
ϱ(RHO)​measures the impact of ESG from how real estate is used. It is the common point for the Property, the owners and the users, where they can join efforts to reduce their “Carbon Footprint”​

“The main objective of ESG is that each company, each individual in it, for each activity that is carried out, in any action to be carried out, can influence in the most effective way in the “value chain” both inside and outside of it. Only the buildings are that common light to unite all efforts to take our action further.”

Methodology for the Calculation of

The objective of the ESG risk calculator is to make transparent and measure the impact of ESG-focused actions on the value of real estate assets through the impact on their “Carbon Footprint”. It has three different approaches that come together in one. The ESG risk measured from the use made of the space by owners and users without forgetting the technical characteristics that define the value of a property.

ϱ(RHO) Owners

2.Country of origin
3.Stock ticker
4.Stock Exchange where it is listed
6.​Portfolio of Properties of their property
7.Ranking in official certifications (S&P, MSCI, etc.)
8.ISO Certifications ESG oriented
9.ESG Practices published in the last 4Q
10.Portfolio certification under ESG standards (SASB, GRESB, etc.)

ϱ(RHO) Properties

1.Name of the Property
2.Address – Geolocation
4.​Tenants and surface occupied by each one
5.Sustainability certifications (LEED, BOMA, Well, etc.)
6.Actions focused on energy efficiency
7.​Actions aimed at achieving efficiency in water consumption and treatment
8.​Actions focused on the treatment of solid waste from the building (aligned with tenant strategies)

ϱ(RHO) Users

2.Country of origin
3.Stock ticker
4.Stock Exchange where it is listed
6.Surface occupied in each contract
7.Ranking in official certifications (S&P, MSCI, etc.)
8.ISO Certifications ESG oriented
9.ESG Practices published in the last 4Q

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